Dapatkan Rahsia Emas sekarang!!!

Salam hormat,

Sekian lama anda lihat pelbagai
individu, agen dan syarikat pelaburan
emas mempromosikan "emas" sebagai peluang
membina kekayaan.

Tapi, semakin hari semakin ramai juga
yang bergolok-bergadai untuk melabur
di dalam emas yang akhirnya menjerumuskan
insan-insan yang 'innocent' untuk membina
kekayaan ini ke dalam skim-skim dan
perangkap-perangkap pelaburan emas.

Bahkan, mungkin ada yang sedang memiliki
emas sekarang tetapi tunggu masa sahaja
untuk terperangkap.

Apa dah jadi?

Ya, pelaburan emas boleh membuatkan
seseorang itu hidup mewah dan boleh
memberikan jaminan kewangan jangka

Rugi kalau anda tak pertimbangkan untuk
melabur di dalam emas.

Pada masa yang sama juga, ianya boleh
jadi perangkap yang memusnahkan kewangan


Kenapa masih ramai yang tertipu?

Jawapannya ialah kurangnya ilmu di dalam
pelaburan emas itu sendiri.

I.L.M.U tentang emas itu sendiri.

Tanyalah kepada diri anda sendiri kenapa
anda melabur di dalam emas.

Adakah selepas anda mendengar agen pelabur
emas menerangkannya kepada anda? (di mana
agen tersebut juga berminat untuk mendapatkan
komisyen jualan daripada penyertaan anda)

Adakah selepas adik, abang, kakak atau
mak ayah anda masuk ke dalam skim seperti

Atau adakah kerana media katakan anda
boleh gadai emas anda untuk beli lebih
banyak emas? (kononnya ia adalah cara
pelaburan emas terbaik)


Tak perlu anda jawab dengan lantang.

Aggaplah melabur di dalam emas adalah
seperti anda ingin melabur RM100,000,
di mana anda perlukan ilmu yang 'solid'
untuk berjaya.

Kalau anda nak laburkan sebegitu banyak
wang, pastinya anda akan lakukan dengan
berhati-hati... dan dengan ilmu, bukan?

Atas sebab inilah Rahsia Emas dihasilkan
dan ianya dihasilkan oleh bukan calang-
calang orang.


Azizi Ali, pakar kewangan tanahair, tampil
untuk berkongsikan ilmu beliau tentang
pelaburan emas di dalam Rahsia Emas.

Dan 3 sebab kenapa Rahsia Emas ini MESTI
dimiliki oleh anda sekarang:

1. harga emas sedang jatuh tapi ini
tidak bermakna anda mesti beli emas
sekarang, kerana apa yang anda perlu
ialah ilmu emas itu sendiri untuk anda
bijak mengambil tindakan.

2. Azizi Ali bukan dari agen pelabur
emas atau syarikat pelabur emas yang
mempunyai kepentingan sendiri. Jadi,
anda dapat ilmu yang TIDAK BERAT
SEBELAH - penting kerana anda tidak
mahu dipengaruhi oleh orang lain.

3. ilmu emas, ilmu emas, ilmu ITU emas.
Tidak ada yang lebih bernilai daripada
emas dan mungkin salah satu daripada
tip Azizi Ali di dalam Rahsia Emas
dapat menyelamatkan anda daripada
kerugian RM300k+ sebagaimana beliau
pernah selamatkan salah seorang inner
circle member beliau daripada papa


Akhir sekali...

Inilah penampilan sulung produk digital
Azizi Ali dan anda menjadi sebahagian
daripada sejarah yang sedang dicipta
hari ini - bila anda memiliki Rahsia

Bila anda memiliki Rahsia Emas hari ini,
anda boleh kata dengan bangganya yang
anda adalah di antara yang pertama
memiliki Rahsia Emas.

Jangan tunggu lama, dapatkan Rahsia
Emas sekarang juga!


PS. jika anda adalah peminat Azizi Ali
dan semua buku terbitan beliau, anda
tak nak terlepas peluang ini. Dapatkan
Rahsia Emas ini di:


7 rahsia orang Kaya dan Berjaya

7 rahsia orang Kaya dan Berjaya dalam menguruskan kewangan adalah, Bayar Pada Diri Sendiri, Dana Bebas Kewangan, Dana Simpanan Jangkamasa Panjang untuk Dibelanjakan, Dana Pendidikan, Dana Hiburan, Dana Kebajikan dan Dana Keperluan.

Kredit kepada Dr Azizan Osman – Mentor Kekayaan & Kejayaan No 1 di Malaysia.


Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera TUAN/PUAN

Pernah tak TUAN/PUAN dengar pasal online forex trading?

Forex merupakan lubuk wang terhebat di dunia!
Ramai dah yang mengaut wang BERIBU-RIBU HINGGA RATUSAN RIBU daripada forex ni.

TUAN/PUAN nak tak income macam tu?

Dengan forex trading, TUAN/PUAN dijamin TAK PERLU: -
- Jual barang fizikal mahupun digital
- Pergi cari orang / downline seperti MLM
- Cari supplier dan hantar barang kepada pelanggan
- Buat promosi ke sana dan ke mari Forex cukup mudah.

3 - SEDIKIT MODAL (serendah $5.00 pun boleh bermula!)

Potensi yang terdapat pada forex tersangatlah besar!

Ada seorang trader bernama Khalid dengan mudah dapat menjana pendapatan 5 ANGKA SEMINGGU dengan hanya meluangkan 1 JAM SEHARI!!

Terlalu banyak produk informasi forex di luar sana, tetapi kebanyakannya hanyalah berkisar kepada penjualan indicator dan expert advisor (robot forex).

Khalid telah menghasilkan panduan lengkap dari A-Z mengenai forex dan bagaimana (nama pelanggan) juga boleh menjana 5 ANGKA SEMINGGU dengan hanya 1 JAM SEHARI.

Apa yang paling bernilai ialah pendedahan mengenai TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR yang boleh menghasilkan PROFIT RATUSAN PIPS dalam HANYA 1 TRADE!

Lihat bukti-bukti di sini ===> http://www.forexsebenar.com/hop.php?ref=steel7001

Ini pertama kali saya melihat screen shot trader yang telah menghasilkan ratusan pips dalam setiap trade beliau, dan beliau menghasilkannya berulang-ulang kali SEJAK TAHUN 2009 lagi!

Cuba TUAN/PUAN bayangkan, berapa ratus ribu beliau dah kaut sampai sekarang?!

Selain itu, Khalid juga turut kongsikan ilmu MONEY MANAGEMENT, KAWALAN EMOSI, PENIPUAN DALAM FOREX, KRITERIA PEMILIHAN BROKER dan macam-macam lagi.

Pendek kata, memang serba lengkap lah. Inilah panduan pertama dan terakhir yang patut dimiliki oleh forex trader dan juga bakal forex trader.

Ini merupakan versi baru. Sebelum ini, Khalid telahpun mengeluarkan ebook versi pertama, kedua dan ketiga.

Ianya telah "sold out" dalam masa beberapa hari sahaja!!

Kuota ebook ini hanya TINGGAL 150 UNIT SAHAJA LAGI. Selepas kuota ini dipenuhi, harganya akan dinaikkan. Ianya pernah terjadi sebelum ini.

Jadi saya tak mahu tuan/puan lepaskan peluang ni. Ebook ini sangat-sangat hangat dan ianya laku seperti pisang goreng panas. Cepat dapatkannya sebelum terlambat jika TUAN/PUAN betul-betul nak berjaya dalam forex.

Untuk melihat sendiri kehebatan forex, bukti pendapatan dan testimonial TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR, tuan/puan cuma perlu klik link di bawah:

http://www.forexsebenar.com/hop.php?ref=steel7001 Terima kasih.

Terkini: Pelaburan emas Genneva Malaysia tak sah - Majlis Fatwa

Profesor Tan Sri Dr Abdul Shukor Husin
Pengerusi Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan

KUALA LUMPUR - Transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas Syarikat Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd didapati tidak mematuhi sepenuhnya peraturan hukum syarak dan undang-undang negara.

Ini disahkan oleh Pengerusi Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia, Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Abdul Shukor Husin dalam satu kenyataan dikeluarkan di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata, muzakarah tiga hari majlis itu bermula Rabu lepas meneliti  laporan dan hasil siasatan Bank Negara Malaysia terhadap operasi jual beli dan pelaburan emas syarikat itu.

Katanya, operasi syarikat tersebut didapati tidak mematuhi sepenuhnya Parameter Pelaburan Emas seperti diperakukan oleh Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa

Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia kali ke 96 yang diadakan pada 13 hingga 15 Jun lepas.

Kenyataan itu menasihatkan umat Islam tidak melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti atau transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas oleh mana-mana pihak, sama ada syarikat di dalam negara atau luar negara yang bertentangan dengan prinsip jual beli emas seperti yang digariskan oleh syarak dan undang-undang negara.

Abdul Shukor berkata, transaksi jual beli mestilah memenuhi semua rukun jual beli yang digariskan hukum syarak, dan sesuatu transaksi dikira tidak sah sekiranya tidak memenuhi salah satu rukun jual beli.

Beliau berkata transaksi juga hendaklah bebas daripada unsur-unsur riba, perjudian, gharar yang berlebihan dan kezaliman. – Bernama

Petua Membeli Jongkong Emas

Emas adalah logam yang paling digemari wanita seluruh dunia.Lebih-lebih lagi, hari ini kebanyakan orang menganggapnya sebagai pelaburan yang terbaik. Fakta yang menarik mengenai emas ialah bahawa walaupun harga emas semakin meningkat hari demi hari dalam pasaran, orang ramai terutama wanita masih gila membeli logam kuning ini. Reka bentuk yang unik dan ciri ciri tidak ternilai permata emas menjadikannya disukai semua golongan masyarakat .Namun begitu, ia adalah agak menyedihkan bahawa kebanyakan orang tidak banyak mengambil berat terhadap pilihan untuk membeli barang kemas ataupun dan jongkong emas.

Tips on buying gold bars

Jika anda ingin membeli jongkong emas, anda perlu ingat perkara-perkara tertentu, kerana jelas emas adalah pelaburan yang besar dan mengambil masa yang panjang. Walaupun terdapat sejumlah besar kedai-kedai yang terdapat di pasaran yang menjual emas, namun tidak semua boleh dipercayai. Jongkong emas datang dalam pelbagai saiz,sebelum membeli, anda perlu mengesahkan saiz bar yang anda ingin beli. Selain itu, anda juga perlu membuat pilihan samada untuk membeli syiling emas, bar atau wang emas. Sentiasa cuba untuk membeli emas bergantung kepada bajet anda. Jika anda mempunyai wang yang cukup, ia akan menjadi idea yang baik untuk membeli jongkong emas untuk lebih menguntungkan masa depan anda.
Manakala untuk membeli jongkong emas diingat bahawa kedai yang popular tidak selalunya kedai yang terbaik. Jadi, mencari kedai yang terbaik untuk membeli emas tulen dengan kos yang rendah harus menjadi pilihan. Harga emas pula selalu berbeza dengan peniaga yang berlainan, ia adalah penting untuk memilih para peniaga yang terbaik untuk sebelum membeli emas anda. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas harga emas semasa, adalah dinasihat laman web utama seperti Hargaemas.com.my
Jika anda telah membuat keputusan untuk membeli jongkong emas, kemudiannya anda harus cuba bertanya dengan mereka yang arif dalam pelaburan emas dan pastikan anda membeli bar dan syiling emas yang disahkan assayor. Apa sahaja yang anda beli, tidak kira jongkong emas, syiling, permata atau apa-apa,pastikan anda tahu tujuan jelas pelaburan ini dan berapa lama target sebelum menjual kembali dan kemudiaanya setelah membeli, selalu layari website www.hargaemas.com.my dan dapatkan harga emas terkini setiap hari untuk menjual pada harga terbaik.

Dipetik daripada: http://www.hargaemas.com.my/terkini/petua-membeli-jonkong-emas/

Gold steadies near two-week highs

(Reuters) - Gold held near two-week highs on Wednesday and was set for its second successive weekly gain, thanks to a modest decline in the dollar that may sharpen investor appetite for the metal, although a U.S. public holiday will likely temper any gains.

Pelaburan Emas : Kuwait Finance House Malaysia Gold Account-i

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Hari ini saya ingin berkongsi maklumat mengenai Kuwait Finance House Malaysia Gold Account-i. Salah satu cabang pelaburan emas di Malaysia.
Kuwait Finance House Malaysia (KFH) turut menawarkan kemudahan pelaburan emas melalui akaun simpanan emas yang dinamakan Kuwait Finance House Gold Account (singkatan – KFH Gold Account-i).
KFH Gold Account-i adalah pelaburan emas yang patuh syariah dan menawarkan emas fizikal kepada pelabur.
Dengan kata lain pelabur KFH Gold Account-i boleh mengambil emas fizikal serta-merta setelah membuat pembelian ataupun menyimpan emas tersebut kepada Kuwait Finance House.
Tiada sebarang kos penyimpanan dikenakan jika pelabur meyimpan emas tersebut di Kuwait Finance House.

Jongkong Emas yang dijual oleh KFH.
KFH menawarkan jongkong emas keluaran Istanbul Altin Rafinerisi – daripada Turki. Ketulenan emas ini adalah 995.0 (ketulenan emas 99.50%)
Kualiti emas ini adalah lebih rendah daripada kualiti emas 999.9 (ketulenan emas 99.99%)

Contoh Emas KFH

Syarat-syarat membuka akaun KFH Gold Account-i.

Sebelum membuka akaun KFH Gold Account-i anda perlu membuka akaun simpanan dengan Kuwait Finance House Malaysia terlebih dahulu (anggaran kos RM25).
Selepas itu anda boleh membuka akaun KFH Gold Account-i dengan minima 10 gram emas. Anda boleh mengeluarkan jongkong emas tersebut kalau mahu tetapi perlu menyimpan minima
2 gram emas di dalam KFH Gold Account-I anda.
(contoh: kalau anda membuka akaun KFH Gold Account-i dengan minima 10 gram maka anda boleh keluarkan jongkong emas sebanyak 8 gram sahaja)
Untuk pelaburan tambahan selepas itu, anda perlu membeli minimum 5 gram emas.
Harga belian dan jualan untuk KFH Gold Account-i.
Contoh Harga Semasa KFH Gold

Harga jualan dan belian KFH Gold Account-I boleh dilihat di laman web http://www.kfh.com.my/kfhmb/
Sell = Harga jualan emas kepada pelabur.
Buy = Harga belian emas oleh Kuwait Finance House

Penting! Syarat-syarat tambahan KFH Gold Account-i.
Memandangkan jongkong emas yang diberi oleh KFH itu telah di laminate dan tidak boleh dibuka, saya bertanya kepada pegawai KFH samada saya boleh buka sarung emas ini untuk digadaikan.
Malangnya saya dimaklumkan bahawa untuk menjual balik jongkong emas ini terdapat beberapa syarat yang dikenakan oleh KFH diantaranya:
1. Sarung plastik jongkong emas ini tidak boleh dibuka
2. Sarungnya tidak boleh calar
3. Sarung emas ini tidak boleh bengkok

Jika perkara-perkara di atas berlaku maka emas ini tidak akan diterima kembali oleh Kuwait Finance House.
Jadi, anda tidak boleh membuat teknik manipulasi emas (seperti teknik Ar-Rahnu) menggunakan jongkong emas KFH Gold Account-i. Walaupun saya mendapat emas fizikal, namun tak berapa teruja kerana tidak boleh buka sarung emas tersebut.
Jadi, jika anda membuka KFH Gold Account-i, maka anda cuma boleh mendapat keuntungan dengan membeli ketika harga emas rendah dan menjual semula apabila harga emas naik.
Jadi pelaburan emas KFH Gold-I ini adalah lebih kepada beli emas, simpan dan jual semula bila harga emas naik.
Saya telah membuka akaun KFH Gold Account-I dengan pembelian minima 10 gram. Memandangkan saya lebih suka menyimpan sendiri emas tersebut maka saya meminta untuk mengeluarkan 8 gram emas fizikal. KFH memberikan sekeping jongkong 5 gram dan 3 keping jongkong 1 gram.
Inilah rupa jongkong emas-emas tersebut.

Contoh Emas 5 Gram, 3 Gram dan 1 Gram

Cawangan-cawangan Kuwait Finance House Malaysia (KFH).
Kuwait Finance House mempunyai cawangan yang terhad. Buat masa ini KFH mempunyai cawangan di Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Johor Bharu, Penang, Kelang dan Kuching.
Anda boleh melihat alamat dan nombor telefon cawangan KFH di bawah:

Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad (Ibu Pejabat)
Level 26, Menara Prestige,
No 1, Jalan Pinang,
P.O. Box 10103,
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2166 0646

Cawangan Pavilion, KL
Pavilion Lot 22, 1st Floor,
168 Jalan Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: 03-2056 7612

Cawangan Shah Alam
Ground Floor, No. 3 & 5, Jalan Plumbum S7/S,
Pusat Komersial Seksyen 7, Seksyen 7,
40000, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03 – 2168 0598


Cawangan Kota Damansara
No 22A & 26, Ground Floor,
 Jalan PJU 5/20D, Pusat Perdagangan Kota Damansara,
The Strand PJU 5,
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,

Cawangan Klang
No. 1 & 3,
 Jalan Bayu Tinggi 2B, Batu Unjur,
41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Cawangan Johor Bahru
62, Jalan Molek 2/2, Taman Molek,
81100 Johor Bahru.
Tel: 07-356 3100
Cawangan Pulau Pinang F-12A-1, F-12A-2, F12A-3, Lorong Bayan Indah 1,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Tel: 04-619 1600

Cawangan Kuching
tingkat bawah Menara Zecon, No.92 Lot 393,
Section 5, KTLD Jalan Satok,
93400 Kuching.
Tel: 08-222 4800

Kelebihan KFH Gold Account-i.
1. Produk yang patuh syariah kerana menawarkan emas fizikal kepada pelanggan.
2. Harga yang kompetitif (kerana menggunakan emas 995.0).
3. Proses membuka akaun yang mudah dan cepat.
4. Anda boleh menyimpan emas tersebut di bank tanpa sebarang kos penyimpanan.

Kekurangan KFH Gold Account-i
1. Kualiti emas 995.0 berbanding jongkong emas lain di Malaysia yang biasanya mempunyai ketulenan 999.9 .
2. Spread yang agak tinggi
3. Emas boleh dibeli dan dijual ketika office hour KFH sahaja (9.30 pagi – 4.30 petang)
4. Sarung plastik emas tidak boleh dibuka, tak boleh calar dan tak boleh bengkok.
5. Tak boleh digadaikan kerana emas di laminate.
1. Jika anda merupakan pembaca baru, anda boleh baca semua artikel terdahulu mengenai emas
2. Kongsikan ilmu emas ini dengan rakan-rakan anda. Jika anda rasa artikel dan blog ini bagus, klik icon Facebook recommend di bawah sana. Terima kasih banyak-banyak.
3. Ada komen, pendapat ? Sila letakkannya di ruangan komen. Terima kasih.

Dipetik dan diedit daripada artikel azharmokhtar.com

Is it time to buy gold?

Precious metal said to be consolidating and likely to rise in next few years
PETALING JAYA: Now is the time to invest in gold as its price is consolidating and likely to climb over the next few years, according to one expert of the commodity.
“Gold reached US$1,900 (RM6,042) last year but has fallen to US$1,600 now. This is a purely periodic correction,” said Dar Wong, a trader and veteran financial consultant who was the guest speaker at Tomei Consolidated Bhd's GoldSilver2U.com seminar. He said prices would be “firm” but may trade in a sideways pattern till the end of the year.
Gold, considered a safe haven in times of economic upheaval, has slipped some 15% since peaking at US$1,900.20 last September at the height of the eurozone crisis, but is up 2.7% for the year at yesterday's spot prices.
Wong (left) and Tomei group managing director Ng Yih Pyng showing gold wafers from Tomei.
“In my view, whenever the market comes off a high and starts to go sideways, this period of consolidation is the best time for investors to plan their portfolio.
“When the market starts to run up again maybe next year, you will have to pay more and jostle with everyone else,” said Wong, who started his career trading futures in the 1980s.
Wong honed his trading expertise working for several banking groups before striking out on his own as an individual trader in 1996.
“People are saying it can reach US$3,000 per ounce. Based on my analysis, the price of US$2,300 is achievable in the next few years. But in order to get it that high, you need fundamental strength,” he explained.
He opined that this would come from two sources: inflation, which would force the hand of central banks to ease interest rates, and US monetary policy.
“Gold is traded in US dollars. Should the Federal Reserve decide on more fiscal stimulus, the weaker US dollar will push gold to new heights.
“From my studies, when the United States elects a new president after the third quarter, whoever gets the job will most likely put in a quantitative easing policy to consolidate his position. That will result in higher gold prices.”
Central banks, he added, had little choice in the current global scenario other than to loosen the reigns on fiscal policy.
“The world economy is stuck between inflation and recession. On one hand, food and commodity prices are going up, which means higher costs.
“On the other, manufacturing and growth is slowing while unemployment is rising. Let's assume banks have to choose just one solution they will choose to cut rates.”
Although Bank Negara left its overnight policy rate unchanged at 3% yesterday, the European Central Bank and China's central bank have cut interest rates in a bid to stimulate economic growth, while the Bank of England announced a further £50bil of quantitative easing.
On his personal experience with the precious metal, Wong revealed that he had bought 25 mint-proof gold coins after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks, when gold plunged to US$320 per ounce.
“People said I was stupid. But the principle is how much money you can invest versus how long you can hold.”
Wong said he has so far sold 20 of those coins for a handsome profit.
“I couldn't sell them at the peak last year. I'll be honest, no one can time the market perfectly. I loaded them off at average prices of between US$1,200 and US$1,500,” he said, adding that he was now waiting for buying opportunities.
“It is not about how much you have now. It is about how much you want to build now for the future. I built my investment 10 years ago and have realised a profit.”

Excerpt from :  The Star Online. An article by JOHN LOH

F & Q Dinar Dan Dirham

1. Apa itu Dinar dan Dirham?

Dinar Dan Dirham adalah satu matawang yang memenuhi syarat yang disyorkan oleh Sunnah nabi

2. Macam mana nk digunakan dan kat mana boleh digunakan..

ia digunakan seperti RM, boleh ditukar kepada produk dan perkhidmatan. terdapat pelbagai (lebihb1500) premis perniagaan dari stesen minyak ke kedai buku yang ada memaparkan lambang Dinar dan Dirham.

3. Apa beza Dinar dan Dirham?

dinar diperbuat dari Emas dan Dirham dibuat dari perak, tetapi Dinar dan Dirham harus menepati standard dan ciri-ciri tertentu.

4. Dah beli lepas tu macam mana nak jadikan ia sbg duit?

tukarkan dengan produk dan perkhidmatan. mcm kita guna wang kertas utk isi minyak kereta

5.DnD nie sama cam duit ker??

sama, cuma ia tak bersandarkan pada ekonomi kapitalis yang berasaskan riba

6. ko nak balik zaman citer PRamlee ke??

cerita P Ramlee sebenarnya memaparkan sesuatu yang berada dalam masyarakat, cuma, arwah mahukan kita berfikir utk memperbaiki keadaan yang ada

7. laku ke benda ni??

laku, kerana dinar dan dirham dibuat dari emas dan perak yang ada nilai tersendiri

8.eh bukan ke duit kita dah sandar dgn emas ?

duit kita bersandar cuma pada sebahagian kecil dari emas, selebihnya yang merupakan pecahan besar masih dari sistem kapitalis yang mengamalkan riba, ini termasuk special drawing rights, federal reserve.

9. masih ada ke org pakai Dinar dan Dirham nih?

dinar dan dirham telah ada dipasaran bermula ramadhan yang lepas.

10. duit ni ada kat arab kan?

dinar dan dirham di negeri arab adalah wang kertas yg diperakukan dengan nilai, tak sama dengan dinar yang berasaskan Emas dan dirham berasaskan perak

11. bape banyak dah ko kumpul benda nih??

ade la baru 6 dirham, 2 gua dah sedekah kat kawan2, 2 lagi gua beli vitamin minggu lepas, dua lagi je dlm poket gua.. nak sedekah dinar emas  kat gua?

12. ada kapsul tak?

dinar dan dirham utk circulation tak perlukan kapsul. macam syiling 50 sen dan duit RM, mana ada kapsul daa..

13. ada cop WIM tak?

tak perlukan cop WIM, tetapi yang penting menepati standard

14. ada kalimah camne nak bawak masuk tandas.?

weii jawab la sendirik.. gua jahil maa...

15. bahaya simpan D&D ni sebab kalo hilang sebijik dinar dah hilang rm600.. baik simpan duit kertas.

duit kertas pun  boleh hilang juga.... jgn letak merata2 ye..

16. ala ko cakap je lebih...mana kedai yg terima D&D kat tempat kita nih??

masih dalam proses promosi. yang penting kita kena ada simpan dulu, kalau tak ada camne kita nak guna ? sesetengah kawasan sudah ada banyak product dan perkhidmatan sebagai contoh negeri kelantan

17. ala kerajaan pon byr pakai RM beb.. ko sibuk2 nak promote D&D ni nape?

sy tak tau sy akan mati sekejap lagi ke tidak. amal sy tak banyak, so lagi bagus sy buat promosi erana Allah dan Rasulnya.

18. kalo ko kata wang kertas ni riba' yg dlm dompet ko tu apa?? ko pon 2x5 dgn aku je beb..

Wang kertas dikala ini memang satu yg amat diperlukan, tapi berjuang utk mengeluarkan diri dari api neraka itu lebih baik dari redho pada api neraka.

19. beli mahal, jual balik murah...baik simpan duit je...

tak perlu la jual balik, gunakan utk jual beli /tukar dengan produk dan perkhidmatan

20. anda nie peniaga emas atau pejuang DnD??

saya buat dua2.. peniaga emas untuk sarahidup, pejuang DnD sebagai method dakwah dan infaq saya kejalan Allah dan Rasulnya

21. "dinar 24K lembik macam tanah liat, boleh jadi barang permainan orang dewasa...

dinar 24K belum ada proses teknologi yg khusus untuk menguatkannya kerana ia emas yg tulen. properties emas tulen adalah boleh dibentuk dan dilenturkan

22. saya ada dinar satu tempayan, dapur rumah saya runtuh kena ribut. Kat mana saya nak jual balik dinar saya satu tempayan tuh?

saudara boleh menukarkan sedikit dari emas setempayan itu utk tukarkan dengan kayu, batu, besi konkrit dan juga atap genting utk membaiki semula dapur. tukarkan di kedai hardware berdekatan

23. Apa beza DnD dr Kelantan,Perak,DGE,RESTU,DARUL TAKZIM dll?..

bezanya adalah pengeluar, sukatan dan rekabentuk adalah berlainan, hakikatnya ia tetap emas dan perak

24. Kenapa harga x selaras semuanya?....

pada hakikatnya adalah sama...semua diperbuat dr emas dan perak...cuma bergantung pada saiz, timbangan dan kos pembuatan

25. Bagaimana penggunaan dinar blh berjaya jika dinar itu sendiri diniagakan dgn harga yg berbeza

penggunaan dinar tetap boleh berjalan, tetapi perbezaan ini tidak sepatutnya menghalang perlaksanaan matlamat dinar dan dirham.

2. Peniaga yg menerima dinar boleh mengalami kerugian dpd pertukaran kembali ke RM

Azman Bin Alias: Soalan yang bernas. Di masa yang sama peniaga boleh untung kalau ada peningkatan @ appreciation harga emas yang ketara. Paling sesuai kalau nak galakkan gunakan dinar, harga beli dan harga jual sama je. Walaupun begitu, peniaga boleh rugi dan boleh juga untung kalau harga emas turut berubah turun naik ikut pasaran dunia. Cara terbaik lagi kalau sudah tidak ada fiat money dan manusia berurusniaga hanya menggunakan dnD semata-mata. Kalau macam ni, gomen pulak taknak fasal tak ada ruang nak manipulasi dan spekulasi.

26. kalau dlm bisnes, da ada byk2 dinar n dirham mcm mana nk rolling modal?

kami sedang berusaha untuk mempromosi dinar dan dirham pada pemborong, pengeluar, penternak dan segenap lapis masyarakat. akan tetapi promosi tidak akan membawa makna jika circulation dinar dan dirham tersangkut di mana-mana lapisan masyarakat.  kerjasama warga bisnes amatlah diperlukan. bila sudah sempurna, warga bisnes boleh membeli stok/rolling stok dgn pengedar/penternak/ pengeluar secara terus.

27. soklan pasal spot ngan spread

harga spot adalah harga dimana komoditi terlibat dijual " as it is" dan transaksi secara tunai. harga spread adalah beza harga jualan  dan harga belian, akan tetapi, perbezaan ini tidak akan berlanjutan apabila fungsi  dinar dan dirham sudah terlaksana secara total

Group Dinar n Dirham


Why do you need to buy GOLD?

Assalamualaikum and Good Day!!

First of all,
This blog aims to give you guidance and technique on gold investment in Malaysia.
This blog is based from various article/news collected regarding gold investment purposely for...
YOU!!!..yes...you...the newbies out there..
Gold is one of the branches of investment that is gaining popularity today.
To find out how to profit by buying / resurfacing of gold, then I reserve for you to read all the articles contained in this blog.

Kenapa EMAS?
Blog ini bertujuan memberikan anda panduan dan teknik-teknik membuat pelaburan emas di Malaysia.
Blog ini adalah berdasarkan daripada rencana / berita yang dikumpulkan mengenai pelaburan emas khas ditujukan kepada...
ANDA!!!..ya...anda...newbies dalam pelaburan emas..
Emas adalah cabang pelaburan yang mendapat tempat dikalangan masyarakat Malaysia kini.
Untuk mengetahui bagaimana mendapatkan keuntungan dengan pembelian/pelaburan emas, maka saya cadangkan agar anda membaca semua artikel yang terdapat dalam blog ini.



Berikut adalah 40 kelebihan dinar emas ;
  1. Matawang Syariah
  2. Diungkapkan di dalam Al-Quran dan Al-Hadith
  3. Digunakan sejak 2500 tahun
  4. Dikenali oleh semua orang
  5. Sangat bernilai
  6. Sedikit tapi bernilai
  7. Nilai yang sebenar
  8. Nilainya stabil
  9. Mudah dicairkan
  10. Lambang kekayaan sebenar
  11. Melindungi kekayaan
  12. Tidak boleh dimonopoli
  13. Menghapuskan riba
  14. Menghapuskan kemiskinan
  15. Menghapuskan spekulasi
  16. Menghapuskan risiko pertukaran matawang
  17. Nilainya bukan hutang
  18. Menyelesaikan krisis ekonomi
  19. Memberikan keadilan kepada masyarakat
  20. Mengurangkan masalah sosial seperti jenayah
  21. Merapatkan jurang antara kaya dan miskin
  22. Harga barang tidak akan naik lagi
  23. Kos Haji semakin menurun berbanding dinar
  24. Mempercepatkan pembahagian pusaka
  25. Memudahkan pelaksanaan hudud
  26. Pembayaran zakat lebih tepat
  27. Penggunaan tiada batasan masa dan tempat
  28. Tiada inflasi
  29. Tidak terbakar
  30. Tidak berkarat
  31. Tiada tarikh luput
  32. Warnanya tidak akan pudar
  33. Tidak boleh dibinasakan
  34. Tidak boleh ditiru
  35. Tidak memerlukan ruang yang luas untuk menyimpannya
  36. Tidak boleh dimanipulasi
  37. Tidak perlu jaminan kerajaan
  38. Beratnya lebih ringan daripada wang kertas yang sama nilai
  39. Matawang 1 dunia pada masa hadapan
  40. Boleh digadaikan
WAllahu a'lam
Apalagi tunggu?? ..jomlah beli emas...sementara masih murah lagi...banyak kelebihannya ni..

Berminat untuk membeli Dinar atau Bar Gold sila hubungi saya Ilmi 019 - 2611306

Ingin Simpan Emas Secara Halal?

Bagi peminat fizikal emas yang berhasrat membuat simpanan masa hadapan di dalam bentuk fizikal emas secara halal, Alhamadulillah kali ini mereka telah mempunyai jalan. Sebuah bank Islam dengan jayanya telah berjaya melancarkan Akaun simpanan dan pelaburan emas mereka yang telah juga disahkan dari sudut kontrak dan operasinya mematuhi hukum Shariah.

Is gold more alluring now?

IS now the right time to buy gold?

Gold investments have been a vogue choice of sorts in recent years as the price of the precious metal made its ascend riding on the fears and worries of one crisis after another.

That rise, however, has more than taken a breather as the price of gold has fallen by around 11% since hitting a high of US$1,784 an ounce in February.

It had more than doubled from the financial crisis three years earlier.

Gold Set to Fall From Two-Week High Before ECB Gathering

Gold is set to decline in London as a rally to a two-week high spurs investors to sell the metal before European Central Bank policy makers meet tomorrow. 

Bullion gained yesterday after data this week showed deteriorating manufacturing from the U.S. to China, fueling speculation central banks will add to stimulus. The euro fell versus the dollar amid expectations the ECB will cut interest rates to a record low tomorrow. Holdings in gold-backed exchange-traded products climbed 4.6 metric tons to a record 2,412.4 tons yesterday, data compiled by Bloomberg show. 

Pembelian emas dan cara-cara ini mungkin dapat membantu menggandakan keuntungan anda

1. Harga/Masa : faktor ini mungkin faktor utama dalam jual beli emas, memilih masa yang sesuai untuk membeli emas pada harga yang rendah contohnya ketika indeks emas jatuh mendadak adalah cara terbaik, tetapi sebagai pelabur yang menganggap masa itu sendiri emas, setiap jam setiap minit, peniagaan mesti mendapat keuntungan, menunggu harga emas jatuh kadang-kadang seperti menunggu kucing bertanduk, apabila sekadar menunggu, masa sendiri terbuang dan duit mungkin dibelanjakan.. Jujurnya, tiada siapa pun yang tahu bila harga emas naik atau turun, tiada siapa yang dapat mengawal harga emas walau Amerika sekalipun.

Gold Investment - More Secure Than Paper Currency

GOLD INVESTMENT offers protection against rising prices and the weakness of paper money, says the head of the world's third largest hedge fund.
John Paulson, founder and president of Paulson & Co., which has $36 billion in assets, believes every major Western currency is facing difficulty, and that Gold Investment offers a good hedge.
"[We] must look at the currencies in relative terms. The UK is committed in the same way that the United States is in terms of monetary stimulus. The Euro has its own problems. In these times of uncertainty for paper based currency, I feel more secure in holding gold," said Paulson in an interview with a French newspaper.
"Given the risks of inflation in three to five years and the volatility of the Euro, gold offers good protection against the paper currencies' devaluation and even the possibility of generating a return on fixed investment."
Paulson believes the US Federal Reserve's monetary stimulus measures – which include the current round of quantitative easing, QE2, worth $600 billion – will lead to a rise in the Gold Price.
"Over time, the price of gold will rise in proportion to the creation of paper Dollars," he said. "In an inflationary environment where the demand for protection increases, the price of gold can rise even further. Historically, gold has always been a safe haven against inflation and a safe haven in times of political instability. Today we face both risks."
In January 2009 Paulson & Co. began offering investors the opportunity to hold gold-denominated shares in a variety of funds.
Greenlight Capital, the $2 billionfund run by David Einhorn, also offers this facility.
Paulson & Co. this year became a sponsor of the annual Gold Survey, published by precious metals consultancy GFMS.
Making a Gold Investment? Do it safely, easily and at low cost with the World No.1 BullionVault...

Goldbug, 15 Apr '11

Isu Halal Haram Pelaburan Emas

Kredit: SaudagarEmas
Ramai yang reply nak tahu pasal hukum syarak dalam pelaburan emas. Terima kasih, maknanya anda memang serius dan ambil tahu pasal hukum halal haram ni.

Kenapa tidak dapat menjana duit dari emas?

Pasaran emas kelihatan semakin berkembang diluar sana, hampir setiap hari produk baru dikeluarkan, bermacam-macam syarikat emas tumbuh dan hampir setiap jam laman web dan blog emas dibina. Ini nampak menarik, jika dulu perniagaan emas cuma melibatkan jual beli barang kemas, kini kebanyakan keyword tertumpu kepada pelaburan emas samada menggunakan ar-rahnu, cash, hibah ataupun koperasi. Pattern orang membeli emas pun ada naik turunnya, jumlah jualan biasanya lebih besar ketika harga emas dalam keadaan menaik, tetapi pada keadaan menurun seperti sekarang, jumlah jualan juga akan drop. Kebanyakannya bukan kerana pembeli hilang mood membeli, tetapi penjual sendiri seperti hopeless melihat keadaan market.

10 Kesilapan Pelabur Emas!

Sekadar nak berkongsi perkara penting buat pelabur emas dan perak iaitu tentang 10 kesilapan biasa pelabur emas. Saya berkongsi ni sebab saya tengok ramai juga yang buat kesilapan remeh yang sepatutnya boleh dielakkan kalau dia ada ilmu. Kekadang saya terkilan juga kesilapan tu dilakukan oleh kawan-kawan rapat sendiri. Kalau dia tanya saya dulu sebelum bertindak, saya rasa dia boleh elakkan, insyaAllah.

10 Kesilapan Pelabur Emas

Soalan - Jawapan Praktikal berkaitan Dengan Sistem Kewangan berasaskan Dinar

Question by Asif Syiraz…
We hate banks because of their heavy involvement in usury. But some financial services which banks provide are entirely legitimate, e.g. safekeeping of money, (warehousing), and facilitating internal payments through checks (transfer of ownership of warehouse items), and external payments (physically transfering gold from one bank to another) in a secure manner. I assume charging a fee for these services is also halal.

If the above is true, then it means that irrespective of whether you call them banks, or baitul maal or anything else, some kind of financial service providers would be a necessity in a modern dinar-backed islamic financial system. I believe e-dinar aspires to be one such institution.
Since dinar economy is still in its infancy, (or toddlerhood  , I am experiencing a few difficult issues related to its practical implementation, about which I could not find a precedence. So I would love it if someone can enlighten me on these.

What is the long vision for the Gold Dinar
There are many fiat currencies in the world, each identified by its issuer, and the market price of each currency is different because the “trustability” of each issuring authority is percieved differently by the public. Hence their competing, and fluctating prices. So there is a canadian dollar and an american dollar, an iraqi dinar and a kuwaiti dinar.

The important thing is, market price of each currency is different.
Less important thing is its reason i.e. issuing central bank’s stature.
Now, for the Gold Dinars, we see that they too will be produced at different places, by different issuers (National government replaced by Amirate and central bank replaced by Mint). Now here too, each issuer will face different circumstances, supply rates, labour costs and hence minting charges.
Here too, the important thing is that market price of dinar coins would be different. Less important thing is its reason i.e. minting costs instead of the perception of issuing authorities’ ability to meet its debt.
Whenever there exist multiple sets of items in market, which have different market prices, exchange rates develop between them. Not only for currencies, but also for commodities e.g. Barni dates are priced different from regular ones, and Basmati rice are priced different from short grain.
1. Is the long term vision of the Gold Dinar that there will exist mutliple regional flavours of Dinars (just like regional currencies), and well-known liquid exchange rates, determined by market forces, will exist between them?
2. Or is it that somehow, all issuing authorities will collaborate with each other to issue coins at fixed prices?
3. Or is it that there will be only one global issuring authority?
4. Or is it that magically, inspite of different market prices in terms of external currencies, people will voluntarily start exchanging them at same price by respecting their gold content alone and ignoring their brand?

Value of Electronic Payments
The second problem is regarding the nature of the dinar-based financial institution.
We all know that banks operate on fractional reserve. We disapprove of this, not because of its eventual impracticality (bank failure) but because of the principle involved. Now let us imagine a time when the Dinar has become a ubiquitous currency, and is used everywhere for transactions, and many more financial service providers come into play like e-dinar.
When used at large scale and in businesses, efficient payment processing woud require electronic payment services like e-dinar. Now we said that in a truly Isamic form, such institutions would be more like warehouses, storing our commodity money, rather than like banks.
But efficient payment processing services through financial institutions is something we have become used to, and these will need to be simulated in a successful implementation of dinar backed system.
But there is a crucial difference in the way we are used to such services, and the way they are being offered by e-dinar.
In regular banks, 10 dollars in hand (cash) are exactly equivalent to dollars in bank and a 10 dollar check and a 10 dollar bank draft . And they are interchangable. Deposit 10 dollars and now you have 10 dollars balance. Withdraw from your 10 dollars balance, and you have 10 dollars in hand. Electronic and physical payment mechanisms work hand in hand, and compliment each other.
On the other hand, dinars stored in e-dinar are not equivalent to dinars in hand. If you pay 10 dinars in cash to someone, its value is different from paying 10 dinars out of e-dinar. This is like saying that a 10 dollar check is actually 9 dollars of cash. Such a difference in business environment would be pure chaos.
A dinar for e-dinar is 4.25 grams of a chunk of gold at the top right corner of a 10 oz gold bar. A dinar for me is the WIM issued coin I hold in my hand. The two are not the same. Which one is the real dinar at whose benchmark I start pricing all my products?

Reserve Responsibility
The third problem is a more principled objection. eDinar claims that they have 20% of their bullion in coin form at all times. This is basically a “fractional reserve” of coins. Just like bank failures are a possibility but practically never occur, here is a scenario which will surely never occur in real life, but still is a theoretical possibility: If all of edinar customers require it to redeem coins, how will it do that? They do have 100% allocated gold to cover the dinar weight, but they cannot disburse them, unless their bars are converted to coins. Does this represent a true “warehousing” model of an Islamic financial institution? If I store my coins with e-dinar, (like I go and deposit cash in a bank), the electronic form of that deposit will imediately depreciate in value and be reduced to fractional ownership in a gold bar. Is this the correct model for a durable long term implemenation?
Looking forward to guidance from everyone.

Answered by Umar Vadillo…
For these answer to be of any use we need some common terminology. So let us start with some definitions. Banks, no good. Banks involve not only usury but as an institution is not acceptable in many respects one of which is the creation of credit. Financial services, that is services derived from credit activity, are no good either. Money and credit must remain separated.
In Islam we have wadiah, the contract of safekeeping, it is not a financial service, since the wakil keeping your property has no right to use it or lend it to others. You give him your property he returns it to you for a fee. Payments through a wakil are known and permitted provided that the legal restrictions are taking into account. To ask someone holding your property in ‘amanah to pay in ‘ayn on your behalf to some other person is known and acceptable. The legal restrictions are more cumbersome when it comes to pay some other person using dayn (a debt or an IOU).  The legal restrictions refer to the limits of transferring debts (see al-Muwatta). Essentially the limits consist of eliminating the possibility of the sukuk (the receipt) to circulate as the specie itself, that is the possibility of the sukuk turning into paper money as we know it today (which is Riba, see al-Muwatta). The transfer of debts (dayn) requires the cancellation of the previous debt by the original issuer: the issuer must be present during the transfer (it is invalid in his absence) and it must be proven his capability to pay (the issuer must have the verifiable funds).
Baitul Mal is the treasury of the Amir. The Amir collects and disperses funds as he wishes. You cannot open an account in the Baitul Mal. It only holds one account, that is the Amir’s. You can open an account in the form of a wadiah, safekeeping. You can open an open an account with a wakil, who will perform any duty you ask him to. So, here we have two basic institutions we can refer to: Wadiah and Wakala, that can be translated as, Safekeeping and Agency. I am not aware of any other way in which you could have an account with someone else. How about ‘amanah?
‘Amanah is trusting in general and is more generic than Wadiah or Wakala. Wadiah is an ‘amanah with the specific purpose of safekeeping. Wakala is an ‘amanah with the purpose of safekeeping plus making payments or selling on behalf of the owner.
The “Dinar economy” is in its infancy. The infancy must be interpreted as the fact that the full implementation of the Dinar requires the existence other institutions (of Muamalat) that they are still missing. The complete implementation of the Dinar (its maturity) will depend on the full implementation of Muamalat. This is similar to building a house, you start from the foundations, then you do the ground floor, then the first floor and then you put the windows and the roof. You need a plan of construction.
You also need to know what you want to build. Even though on the beginning the foundations don’t look like a house, the architect must have in mind the idea of the full house. Since I started this movement to return to the Gold Dinar and I have been doing most of the thinking, I can call myself the architect, some people call me the “Father of the Gold Dinar”. My model is the ‘amal of the ahl al-Madinah. My sources are the Muwatta of Imam Malik and particularly important, the Mudawanah of Sahnun. This is nothing to do with madhhab, this is to do with ‘Amal, that is, practice. 99% of what you called Dinar economy is my doing. If something is wrong is my fault. If something is right is because I managed to interpret well the ‘amal of Madinah. And Allah knows best.

What is the long vision of the Gold Dinar?
The full implementation of Muamalat according to the original sources.
Fiat currencies are not our way. They are part of banking, they originate from banking and we endure them as a result of the elimination of freedom represented by the crowning of capitalism in our constitutions through three main elements: Central Banks, National Debt and Legal Tender. Constitutions are part of the New World Order envisioned by XVIII humanists. Historically constitutionalism is anti-Khalifate and therefore anti-Islam. Needless to say, Islamic constitutions are like Islamic banks, a complete absurdity.
That the majority of ulema today take this status quo for granted does not disarm the purity of our objectives, it only shows that we are living in dark days. When I started this movement of the Dinar there was nobody who knew or cared about the Dinar, now there are millions. When the light comes the darkness disappears. For defending the return of the Dinar I was called naïve, utopian and all kind of other things. Many of those people have now joined me, others are now silent. I say: Fiat currencies are haram, Central banks are haram, Islamic banking is haram, National Debt is haram, Legal Tender is haram, and Constitutions that enshrine those elements are haram.  And Allah knows best.
Many still disagree with me on those grounds (above) and therefore what follows is irrelevant for them. My concern is not what is haram but what is halal. In search of the halal we return again and again to the practice of Madina. It is impossible to understand the ‘amal of Madina if what is in your mind is the present ‘amal of capitalism. To understand you have to divorce yourself from the present way of doing things and you have to walk the streets of Madina, only then you might understand.

The second element to understand is “what comes before what”, that is, the order of priorities and for that you need to think like an architect. You need to sense what is the primordial core and what is secondary. That is what led me to write about the Core Mechanism of Islamic Trading: Dinar and Dirham, Markets and Qirad. It is all in black and white.
When you intend to replace a system such as capitalism with something entirely new such as Muamalat you need to understand priorities but also the boundaries.

Even though you are starting with something small you cannot compromise the meaning what is halal and what is haram. Therefore if you do something and you want to differentiate it by calling it Islamic it must be Islamic, rather than “almost Islamic” or “our intention is Islamic”. This is not acceptable. If we feel that we still need banks in the initial stages, then we use them, but we should call them “Haram Banks”. Then we are clear. Islam is not negotiable.
Now we can progress. The Idea of Replacing: “National Government replaced by Amirate”. Well, be careful that we don’t fall into nationalist fallacies. The Amirate must be of Dar al-Islam. “Central bank replaced by Mint”: these two institutions have nothing to do with each other. They are totally different. Instead of replacing, we should think in terms of building or growing from zero. This is more like planting a seed and seeing it grow until it becomes a tree, rather than replacing the fruits of the tree.
I decided to start with the Dinar. This is the seed. The first thing is to get gold and mint the coins. There you have the first Mint. I called it Islamic Mint. We had several Mints. Then I decided to create World Islamic Mint as a guarantor of the standards. The standards of Madinah: the mithqal and 7/10 of the mithqal. Then it came the question of the alloys. The Dinar of Madinah was not 999.9 because they did not have the metallurgic capabilities of today. The intention though was to create a pure gold coin, but they couldn’t as we can today. So the ‘amal was a coin mixed with silver (they could not separate silver from gold in those days), but the intention was a pure coin. Should we make a 24k coin or a 22k -as we decided? A 24k coin is too soft and wares out rapidly in circulation. Wearing out is critical because if it falls bellow certain weight is no longer a Dinar. The average life of a 22k gold in circulation is about 15 years, the average life of a 24k gold coin in circulation is about 3 years. The conclusion is obvious. If you mixed pure gold with 10% silver the coin doubles in strength, if you mix it with 10% copper its strength is 20 times bigger. WIM decided to make the standard 22k with a mix of silver and copper (50/50). That is ijtihad.
There is no place for ijtihad regarding the weight, the weight is the mithqal. But what is the mithqal? WIM says 4.25 gr. Since we could not measure 72 grains of barley accurately, we took our weight from non circulating original Dinars that are still preserved in museums. We took the best coins and average their weights. The result: 4.25 gr.
Coins require to be identifiable and as much as possible they should not be counterfeited easily. The first line of defense against counterfeiting is quality. We need to mint at the best quality possible so the number of possible counterfeiters is diminished. Second you introduce security features. They are of two kinds: visible to the naked eye and non-visible. Cost is important, so you need to introduce them according to necessities with the hope of being ahead of counterfeiters. This concern is fundamental for the Mint. It is a responsibility.
The good news is that there are security features that are impossible to counterfeit. WIM has an implementation plan to introduce them gradually without incurring an excessive cost on the final user. Some of the security features are expensive to implement in relatively small quantities.
Bear all those elements into account and you can have a hundred different dinars with different “flavours”. What you cannot expect is people, especially shops, with a list of one hundred different standards and one hundred different prices. Imagine how to deal with mutual exchange of coins. So, the answer to your first question.

1. Is the long term vision of the Gold Dinar that there will exist mutliple regional flavours of Dinars (just like regional currencies), and well-known liquid exchange rates, determined by market forces, will exist between them?

WIM has a single global standard and all the coins have the same design and security features. WIM just recently, made the first change in standards, the Kelantan Dinar has all those features, including new security features. All of the WIM coins will follow this standard by Jan 2011. The old WIM coins will be re-minted into the new standards or will be taken out of circulation. The network of WIM shops with the sticker “We accept Dinar and Dirham” will only accept the new standard coins. E-Dinar will only accept and use the new WIM standards from Jan 2011.
WIM will therefore have a single global standard. All the other coins are seen as gold material. Imam Malik in the Muwatta speaks of coins that are “popular” and coins that are “not popular.” Acceptance is the ultimate text. Nobody can be forced to accept coins that they do not want and do not trust.
Coins will have the value that people decide to give them. And nobody can change that, and nobody should not change that.

2. Or is it that somehow, all issuing authorities will collaborate with each other to issue coins at fixed prices?

That is precisely the job of WIM, we coordinate between all the mints that subscribe to our principles.
WIM establishes what we call a Recommended Retail Price, which means that all the coins have the same ‘recommended’ price worldwide. The advantage is that we can interexchange the coins one to one without exchange fee. This radically increases the acceptability and functionality of our regulated coins.

3. Or is it that there will be only one global issuing authority?
Because of the security features you need to limit the number of minting houses. WIM accredits Mints if they fulfil minimum conditions of quality and can technically introduce the security features. We are in negotiation with a number of them.

4. Or is it that magically, inspite of different market prices in terms of external currencies, people will voluntarily start exchanging them at same price by respecting their gold content alone and ignoring their brand?

People are the ultimate market makers. Mints and WIM can only make claims in regard to the quality of the coins they produce, nothing more and nothing less.
Pricing is to do with what you have in front of you. Imam Malik differentiates three types of gold and silver objects: nuggets (material), coin, and jewelry. Material and jewelry are exchanged without measure. That is to say, the value of a piece of jewelry does not depend on its weight. Same applies to material. Only coins (of the same standard) do.
What makes the coin coin is their ability to function as a means of payment. Thus there is a difference between coin and bullion. There is also a difference in price. We are at a moment in history when we are just starting to use gold and silver coins as means of payment, therefore it is logical to conclude that the value of the coins will depend on their increasing ability to serve as means of payment.
The job of WIM is to increase those functionalities. The job of the people is to price them according to whether that ability is reasonably performed or not. WIM might strive with its standards to improve functionality, but the ultimate price is only established by the users.

Value of Electronic Payments
Payment systems in general have to also follow Islamic Law. The basic legal structure of payment systems is the Wakala. This is the model. Electronic payment system refers not to electronic currency, but electronic means of communicating with the Wakil. The means of payment are the physical coins.
The expression back by gold could be misleading, if it is not understood that the payment is made with physical coins that must be present. If we call e-dinar to the unit of payment it must be understood that the payment is made with physical dinars. The e-dinar unit cannot circulate independent of the physical coin.
If you think about the E-dinar project as a building then these are the steps. First the question of the repository:

1) A central repository with a central Data Base
2) Multiple repositories with a central Data Base
3) Infinite repositories with a central Data Base
Essentially the idea is to disperse the stock and avoid as much as possible central repositories. Each step requires a process. On the beginning you build the payment system on a singular repository. It is the easiest. The decentralisation of the repositories has an impact on transfer fees, since it becomes unnecessary to transport gold if you live near a repository.

The Second issue is the type of accounts:
1) Bullion
2) Bullion and coins
3) Only coins and only bullion
The idea is that you progressively eliminate the bullion and transform it into coins as the demand for coins increases. When we started E-dinar, hardly anybody demanded the coins in redemption of their accounts. 99% percent of customers demanded redemption in bullion. This gradually changed as the physical coins gained acceptability on the ground. Consequently E-Dinar has been changing the stock to meet demand.
Since the introduction of the new WIM standard and the stickers, WIM demanded E-dinar to move to the next stage and from Jan 2011 E-Dinar will have “only coins” accounts and “only bullion” accounts. The new accounts will be in display by November this year and will be in full functionality during December, according to what I heard from E-dinar chairman, Dr Habib Dahinden.
With the new accounts available in Jan 2011, all e-dinar units are exchangeable with dinar coins only, one to one. Fees are applicable depending on location of the repository (thus decentralisation), but only in case of redemption and thus the logic of multiple repositories.
It follows that the price of the e-dinar is identical to the dinar. And it follows that the use of e-dinar through a smart card or mobile telephony bears the same value as a physical dinar except the coin is safekept in the nearest repository. There is a fee for the acceptance of the e-dinar unit which is beared by the shop under the terms and conditions of the agreement, but this fee is ridiculously small: 1% or maximum 0.015 e-dinar (for e-dinar transactions), max. 0.5 e-dirham (for e-dirham transactions), whatever the lowest.

Reserve Responsibility
The best reserve system is to hold the dinar in your pocket. Given the fact that some users demand to hold accounts with a wakil in order to facilitate their payments then we need a payment system. Repositories are best the nearer they are to the user. And therefore a payment system should try to come as close as possible to the user.
When you deposit your money with a wakil you must trust him. If you do not, do not do it. The trustworthiness of the wakil is based on his reputation as granted by the community and his performance. Rasulullah, salallahu alaihi wa salam, was well known amongst his people as the AMIN (the trustworthy one).
At the moment e-dinar is an internet based electronic payment and exchange system that facilitates transactions which are 100% backed by physical gold and silver. From Jan 2011 you will see something like this: e-dinar is an internet based electronic payment and exchange system that facilitates transactions which are 100% backed by physical dinar and dirham. And you will also see a differentiation between bullion accounts and coin accounts. The issue has been explained earlier.
WIM has responsibility to inspect E-dinar systems and to award them with being a WIM payment system. If you notice WIM has not yet given its WIM logo to E-Dinar, it will only happen after Jan 2011.
Allah is our Lord. He is the Master of everything in the Heavens and the Earth. He is our Protector and our Guardian. His people are known to Him and they are measured by their actions. Rasulullah, sallalahu alaihi wa salam is our model, we follow his steps and that of his Companions. There is a clear sign for the people who follow him, that is Victory, for Victory is the sign of the selected who abide to the Commands and fulfil them. And Victory belongs to Allah.

source : http://www.facebook.com/login/setashome.php?ref=genlogin#!/home.php?sk=group_130228377040193&view=doc&id=154213064641724 )

sumber: http://aliffbasri.com/?p=996

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